تواصل معنا
Email Address
Phone Number
تلفون: +967 1 456 789
فاكس: +967 1 765 4321
فاكس: +967 1 765 4321
The client Ramadan Saeed Abdoun Khamis works in the field of shoe manufacturing. He lives in the Mansoura area.
Fatima Mohammed, one of the beneficiaries of the program of the Union of Microfinance of the population
Mohammed Al-Redmani works in the field of healthy water Customer opened Mohammed Al-Redmani water station in 2015
Ahlam works in agriculture. The farmer used to cultivate khat, but as a result of the price increase she thought of an agricultural project
Republic of Yemen
Social Fund for Development
Sixty street,Faj attan, Sana'a,Yemen
Tel :967-1-449669
Fax : 967-1-499670