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Hadhramout Microfinance Program

Hadhramout Microfinance Program



To be the largest institution offering small and micro loans in addition to other services such as savings, Insurance, money transfer and consulting services for its clients in business management.



Improve the standard of living of the poor through the provision of financial services to small and micro business owners and in Hadhramout


Strategic Goals

1-        To provide financial services to owners of small businesses of sayoun district based on Islamic system loans.

2-        To fight poverty through the creation of new job opportunities.

3-        To push forward the development of the existing small-scale activities and contribute to the economic growth of the country.

4-        Develop capacity and skills of workers in small enterprises to improve their efficiency and outputs.

5-        Develop new methods of charitable work and move it from the process of relief and sympathy to the development and production.

6-        Contribute to the role of women in the production and development of the community.

7-        Get women out of poverty and encourage production.




Address: Sana'a

Phone: +967 01 401403 


وحدة تنمية المنشآت الصغيره والأصغر

الجمهورية اليمنية 

 الصندوق الإجتماعي للتنمية 

صنعاء- شارع الستين - فج عطان

ت : 669 449 1 00967 

ف : 670 449 1 00967 


آخر الأخبار

سجل معنا في القائمة البريدية
لتصلك أخر الأخبار
